Saturday, February 15, 2020

We had a LOVE-ly week!

We had several fun events going on this week!  We had Book Buddies on Wednesday!  The kinders made Valentines and were so excited to give them to their Buddies!

Then we went to the library for Buddy Reading time.

Then it was time to play some games in our room... word search contest and finding out how many words we could make with the letters in the word H-E-A-R-T.  There are lots!

Then we had some treats and a rockin' Cupid Shuffle!  Go Mrs. Brown!!!

The kids earned a Bouncy House party by blasting off all the way from Pluto to the sun!  Every time the whole class does something awesome, our rocket blasts off to another planet.  When we get all the way through the solar system to the sun, we get to have a party!  So we pulled out the Bouncy House Thursday morning!

Then it was time for our class Valentine's Party!  First we had Candy Math, tallying up and graphing the colors of our M&M's.

The kids had fun delivering Valentines to each other!

We had a STEM challenge where the kids (and some talented parents!) tried to build the highest tower possible with candy hearts! 

After a little Valentine's Four Corners...

...we had some yummy treats!  Thank you to everyone who brought snacks to share and all of the parents who came to party with us!

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you all have a LOVE-ly weekend!

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