Saturday, January 25, 2020


"That was MATH?" Just what you want to hear as a teacher!  They are learning, but having so much fun, they don't even realize it!  We have been learning math with lots of math games, dice, coins, and cards!

We got to have math specialist Julie Nieto come into our classroom to teach a lesson and help model how to deepen understanding of math concepts... we all had so much fun with her!  

Who says you can't have a snowball fight in the classroom!  We had so much fun having a snowball fight with our book buddies! We also read a book about snow, did a sightword coloring page with our buddies and ate snowballs for snack!

Mrs. Hamner came in to share with us what raw wool looks like and how it is harvested from the sheep on their ranch in Wyoming!

We have noticed it is not dark now at Morning Meeting when we are trying to do the weather chart!  The light is coming back!  We did some art about day and night.

We play games and do practice questions every day to get ready for the Battle of the Books, February 5th at 10:00am!  You are all invited to cheer the kids on! We are hoping to add to the kindergarten trophy shelf!

You know, sometimes you just need some free play time.  It is kindergarten, after all! Here the kids are playing doll house, playing some kind of animal doctor game, and playing trains! :)

We had fun making snowflakes to decorate our Poet Tree, and wrote winter poems to go with them.  It was great rhyming practice, and good practice with shapes, symmetry, and fine motor skills!

We had fun celebrating Micah's 6th birthday!  Here he is getting the traditional Birthday Hug!  It was a Micah sandwich!

We have really been enjoying our first Storybook Treasures book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom this week!  We learned about characters, story sequence, predicting, and practiced reading aloud.  We created alphabet codes and wrote our names in code, and did some creative writing, creating our own endings to the story.  The kids will bring home their book to share with you on Monday!  Already we can't wait for our next Storybook Treasures book!  This wonderful nonprofit provides a book for each child to keep, and a great curriculum to go with it, all with the purpose of instilling a love of books in children and their families.  

Last but not least, we have a classroom service project to collect coins for the Helping Hands Food Bank of Tok.  Next week we will take a field trip to Denali State Bank and turn in our donation, as well as get a tour of the bank to go along with our unit on money we are studying in math!  Thank you for helping your child learn about being a good citizen of our community and helping others. 

We are also getting super excited for Hundreds Day February 4th!  We have lots of special events planned for the whole day, and there are some things your child may bring to help celebrate!  See the flyer below for details! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Beach Time in Thailand!

Hopping on an airplane and traveling the world is beginning to be one of our class's favorite things to do!  (I think they really just like the flight attendant (me) that gives them snacks and takes their trash...) . We get on the plane, buckle in, and have a snack while we watch an in-flight movie about the country we are about to visit!

This week we went to Thailand!  Before we left, we studied Thai money, shells, and rubber from trees that I had brought back for the kids.  We also took a look at the Thai alphabet, which really put ours in perspective.  The kids didn't think it looked so hard to learn English after that!

We also learned all about some of the animals that live in Thailand and how they make rubber from trees!

When we landed in Thailand we had some fresh fruit, and enjoyed a day at the beach, while it was 30 below back in Alaska!

This week we also had inflation hit Tok Kindergarten.  Prize card prizes went up from a nickel to a quarter!  Luckily income increased as well, with folders and popcorn words being word a nickel now instead of a penny.  This allows us some wonderful opportunities in math to make change and count by 5's and 10's, and to work on identifying different coins!

One of our students earned enough money to buy one of the most expensive prize cards... the Pet Shop Card.  Harper used her card to have her mom bring in her new Christmas kitten for a super fun visit to our classroom!  Thank you Ms. Stephanie for taking time to bring Leo!  What an adorable and very tolerant kitten!

Kensington also went on a fun adventure over the Christmas break, and took us all armchair traveling to Virginia!  Thank you for sharing all about Monticello and the caves Kensington!  We are loving learning all about our world!

Last but not least, Old Woman Lizzie turned 6!!!   We were so happy to get to celebrate with her!