Thursday, January 20, 2022

Embracing Winter!

 When in Alaska... do as the Alaskans do, right?  Next month we'll get to the tropics, but for now we are having fun studying Alaskan animals, snow, ice, and all things winter!

We made puffy snow pictures after reading the book, "What Do Snowmen Do At Night?"  The kids got creative with what their snowmen would do at night!  We had fancy dressed singers and snowmen getting warm by the bonfire, and snowmen building snow pets!

We read one of my favorite books of all time about a chilly little man named Chilly Billy that turns the light on in your fridge!  So if you see your kinder trying to sneak past the fridge and open it quietly at the last minute, you'll know why! They are trying to catch Chilly Billy!

We had so much fun with puffy snow paint that we decided to do it again, this time with our Alaskan Animals research unit!  The kids each chose an animal, created a picture, and did research to find out how it survives the winter! 

We learned about how snow and ice form, and went outside to look at beautiful snowflakes under the magnifying glass!  Then on our way back in we scooped up some nice, clean snow to make delicious snow ice cream and slushies with! 

This week we did a unit on animal tracking, with help from the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge.  We studied different kinds of tracks, and the stories they can tell in the snow.  We created our own plaster casts of tracks too! 

Next week we are doing lots of mid year testing to see how much the kids have grown so far! They will be doing the state wide MAP test, as well as AIMS Web, both of which give us benchmarks in relation to how they did in the fall, as well as how they are doing compared to other kinders nationwide.   Making sure your kinder gets good rest and nutrition will help them come to school ready to do their best on their tests!  Thank you for all you do as kinder families! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this school so much I'm glad my Cora has a teacher like you
