Friday, April 2, 2021

Career Week, Easter, and April Fools!

 First of all, we had SO much fun playing April Fools tricks on people around the school.  We laughed so much all day on April 1st!

The day started off with this Morning Message, met with total silence: 

Then I told them it was an April Fools joke.  We were really going to have a BrownE party later that afternoon.  Funny thing was, later that afternoon one of the kinders reminded me that we hadn't cleaned the bathroom yet! :) 

Then, we played a trick on Mr. Larrabee.  Morgan pretended he had cut his arm badly and we took him to the office for some first aid.  Good thing for masks... once we were in the office he couldn't stop smiling!  

Next was a fake vomit clean up call for the janitor, Mr. Goneau.  

Lastly, I told the kids we were having a Brownie party, but they got only some brown E's.  Later, of course we did have some yummy Brownies!!!   

The kids got way into the spirit of April Fools Day.  I can't tell you how many times they told me I had a spider on my head. Ha ha!

We did lots of fun Easter projects this week too, including easter math and reading, symmetry, putting rhyming egg halves together, making easter glyphs with shapes, making shaving cream swirled eggs, edible bird nests, and having a fun easter party on Friday.  Thank you Combs family for the yummy treats and Ms. Jocelyn for playing Easter Bunny to the kids!  

This week and last week we had SO much fun having parents come into our classroom to teach us about careers, and inspire the kids about why school is important, and the fun jobs that are possible in their future!

We had Becky Nauglebaugh come in to talk about construction project management, and the kids all wanted to build roofs after that so they could climb up on the roof!

Kory Labbe came in to talk about being a counselor, and helped the kids identify some of their emotions and how to breathe to calm down.  They loved it!  They did a coloring project that Kory brought in about their feelings and we had a good discussion sharing our drawings!

Cody Omta told the kids how to be safe around snowplows and showed them some cool pictures of how he fixes roads and saves baby squirrels! 

Jeff Wells and Bob Gingue showed some movies about how they count caribou and dart animals to study them.  Then they did a cool demonstration with radio telemetry, having half of the class pretend to be the caribou herd and the other half the biologists searching for them outside.  It was a blast!

Michele Flagen came in to teach the kids about being a photographer, and actually let them take their own polaroid pictures, most of which are of their friends, now taped to the their lockers!

Cody Webb taught the kids what Alaska State Troopers do, and let them talk on the radio in his cop car!  They loved the badges he gave them too!

Stephanie English came in to give the kids a behind the scenes look at how their healthy lunches get to them.  They all had fun with their milk mustache stickers!!!

We got to take a field trip to 40 Mile Air to learn about being a pilot, and explore the life flight airplane!  The kids learned that they need to know math if they want to be a pilot, to make sure the planes aren't overweight.  We weighed the class: 1010 lbs!  

I can't say enough thanks to the families who supported this careers unit!  We really loved having family members come in and visit (thank you for jumping through covid testing hoops!) and the kids were truly inspired as to what possibilities lie ahead for them!!!  It is always nice to have a FUN REASON to learn math and reading!!!

The middle school put on a Medieval Faire and we were invited to see all of the kings and queens and their kingdoms!

It was a fun and eventful couple of weeks!  We also had Book Buddies Rock party last week, but I was too busy to remember to take any pictures!  This Wednesday the 7th we will have a Book Buddies sledding party at airport hill.  Families are welcome to meet us there, we will have a bonfire and cocoa, from 9:30-11:00.  

Also, don't forget the Easter egg hunt Saturday April 3rd at 10am at the school playground!  

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