Friday, February 8, 2019

My Trip to Space...

February has SO many holidays!  It keeps our winter interesting!  We learned about Chinese New Year last week, and this week we began with Ground Hog's Day.  Next week Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day!  We watched the video of Puxatawny Phil and found out that he did not see his shadow, and predicted an early spring!  Yay!  Then we had lots of fun playing with shadows!

Then we traced our shadows to make silhouettes!  Can you guess who is who?

The kids helped me experiment with doggie treat recipes for our Dog Mushing Extravaganza after school on Monday.  Everyone got to take some home, so hopefully you read the label on the baggie and didn't think they were oatmeal cookies! 

In math we are working hard on place value and hundreds, tens, and ones.  We are really digging into numbers and understanding what each digit means.

We began our preparation for the SCIENCE FAIR, coming up Feb 26th!  I will send home details soon... you are invited to come and see our project displays! This week we learned about the Scientific Method.  We played a game to put the steps in order.  Then we began the process by asking questions and coming up with hypotheses and designed our experiments.  We'll continue to work on these at school and make displays for the fair!

We are also finishing up our unit on Space.  We went through all of the questions we had at the beginning of the unit to see if we had answered them.  The kids were excited about how much they had learned!  But we found a few questions that we had not answered yet.  SO... we divided up into groups and did some research, wrote down our answers, and then shared our reports with each other.  

We also had so much fun playing in our rocketship and imagining we were going to space!  The kids wrote their space stories this week, with the prompt "Where would you like to go in space?"  First they wrote the stories, illustrated them, then published them online with Book Creator!  Check out these fun e-books!


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