Saturday, January 19, 2019

Snow, Ice, and Everything Nice!

We spent the week embracing winter.  We studied thermometers and learned about the coldest parts of the earth.  We also enjoyed a snowy Book Buddies party!

In math we learned about how to read a thermometer (all of our counting by 10's practice came in handy!).  We did an experiment to gather snow and take the temperature of snow, our room, and our thumbs.  

We graphed our results and put them in order.  Then we wrote about our conclusions and shared them with each other!

We learned about the coldest place on earth, Antarctica.  We watched a Nat Geo film about it, and played penguins on icebergs to model how difficult it is for penguins to escape predators when the ice is melting.  We created icebergs with saran wrap painting and practiced making ovals and hearts and triangles while creating our cute little penguins!

Book Buddies was all about snow as well!  The kids look forward to seeing their Book Buddies so much.  It is on our calendar every month and they count down the days!  This time, our Book Buddies event was based on the book Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner.  

We made silly looking snowmen out of donuts, and the kids wrote their OWN versions of what snowmen do at night!

Then we went outside with our buddies and painted snow!  Some of the kids even made a garden of snow flowers.  Winter in Tok lasts a loooong time.  So, we decided to make the most of it!  It was a very fun, snowy week!!!

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