Friday, October 15, 2021

Our Amazing Bodies!

 It is SO fun to teach science to kindergartners!  We have been learning about the different systems of our bodies.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE teaching them things that they've never heard of before, and watching their eyes open wide as they discover the world around them... and inside of them!

We learned all about nutrition and the food groups, what each group does for our bodies, and how to eat healthy, balanced meals!   We designed our own perfect dinners, and played restaurant, ordering food from all of the food groups!

We did an experiment recreating digestion in a plastic bag.  YUCK!  Believe it or not, some of the kids wanted to EAT the experiment afterwards!!!

We studied the parts of the digestive system, and learned that we have small intestines all coiled up inside of us 16-25 feet long!!!

We also learned about the circulatory system, and how our hearts work.  We learned what hearts REALLY look like, and drew them.  Then we created model hearts and pumped "blood" through them!  We took our heart beats at rest and after exercise, and learned how to keep our hearts and arteries healthy!

In STEM class we learned how catapults work, and had SO much fun launching marbles with Mr. Steele.  Then we engineered our own catapults and wrote about what we would use them for!  The kids had some great ideas, from shooting blueberries into our mouths, throwing a stick for a dog, or launching stars into the sky!

This week was picture day!  If you missed it, we'll just use the self portrait your child drew of him or herself for the yearbook. 😜. Just kidding.  Make ups are Tuesday the 19th.  But these pictures are pretty darn cute, you have to admit!  πŸ˜πŸ’•

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