Saturday, February 8, 2020

100 Days Smarter!

 We made it!  We are 100 days smarter, and celebrated Hundreds Day on Tuesday, February 4th!!! 

It was so exciting to put in the hundredth straw!

All day long we did fun activities, rotating through out elementary classrooms.  For math we made 100's chart mystery pictures and counted 100 fruit loops to put on necklaces!

In reading and writing time the kids read a story about 100 snowmen and then made 100 snowmen themselves!!!  

We also wrote our names as many times as we could in 100 seconds.

The kids wrote stories about what we might do if we had 100$!  

Thank you to everyone who brought 100 snack items and 100 show and tell items!  We had everything from 100 Barbie shoes to 100 stickers, to 100 legos and toys!

We also had fun writing down 100 things we LOVE about Tok School.  That's a lot of love!  Check out our poster by the lunchroom!

Wednesday we got to have art with Ms. Shauna Lee.  We played with clay and made clay fish!

Then it was time for the BATTLE!  The kids did so great, answering REALLY tough questions about their 4 Battle Books.  Thank you to all of the families who practiced at home.  All of the kids worked hard to practice in school too, and they did great!  

Of course we had to celebrate 101 days of school, too!  We counted out 101 pieces of snack and watched 101 Dalmations with the First and Second grades!

Our coin drive for the Food Bank was a big success!  I was SUPER proud of the generosity of the class.  They were so happy to share, and bring in money from their piggy banks.  We brought our big heavy bag of coins to the bank on Friday, and donated $68.82 to the Food Bank!  Then we got a tour of the bank!

The kids got to see stacks and stacks of money in the vault, some pretty Canadian money, and the biggest hit of all, the money counting machine!  Thank you to Lacey Johnson for setting up our field trip and to all of the wonderful ladies that work at the bank for being so patient with 12
 kinders and various siblings invading their bank! :)

Then it was off to the Food Bank, to see what donations are used for.  Ms. Jean and Mr. Terry are Food Bank volunteers who met us there and helped the kids "shop" for food, as if they were families coming to the Food Bank.  The kids had so much fun!  

Thank you to our wonderful chaperons, Megan Raitto, Jake and Kadence Combs, and Michele and Audrey Flagen, for coming along.  We could NOT have done it without you and your support is greatly appreciated!  

The end.   Now THAT was a fun busy week in Kindergarten!!!

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