This week we went to Thailand! Before we left, we studied Thai money, shells, and rubber from trees that I had brought back for the kids. We also took a look at the Thai alphabet, which really put ours in perspective. The kids didn't think it looked so hard to learn English after that!
We also learned all about some of the animals that live in Thailand and how they make rubber from trees!
When we landed in Thailand we had some fresh fruit, and enjoyed a day at the beach, while it was 30 below back in Alaska!
This week we also had inflation hit Tok Kindergarten. Prize card prizes went up from a nickel to a quarter! Luckily income increased as well, with folders and popcorn words being word a nickel now instead of a penny. This allows us some wonderful opportunities in math to make change and count by 5's and 10's, and to work on identifying different coins!
One of our students earned enough money to buy one of the most expensive prize cards... the Pet Shop Card. Harper used her card to have her mom bring in her new Christmas kitten for a super fun visit to our classroom! Thank you Ms. Stephanie for taking time to bring Leo! What an adorable and very tolerant kitten!
Kensington also went on a fun adventure over the Christmas break, and took us all armchair traveling to Virginia! Thank you for sharing all about Monticello and the caves Kensington! We are loving learning all about our world!
Last but not least, Old Woman Lizzie turned 6!!! We were so happy to get to celebrate with her!
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