Saturday, January 12, 2019

Back at it again!

Kindergarteners just know how to enjoy life.  Really!  They are so inspiring to be around!  While the rest of the school is complaining about coming back to school, the Kinders are so excited to be with their friends again and play!  It was so nice to come back on Monday morning to a bunch of hugs!

We had a short week, so not a lot of pictures, but we did have a couple of exciting events this week.  First of all, inflation hit kindergarten, so now instead of pennies for bringing back folders and blue slips, the kids earn nickels.  Which they can then exchange for dimes and quarters.  (See how sneaky this is?  They think they are just earning money, but really they are learning coins and making change! ;) . Of course, the raise in wages means a raise in prize card prices too.  Hey, that's life.

So we spent quite a bit of time this week playing with money, getting used to our new coins, and identifying and sorting them.  We even played a blind money ID game... trying to identify the money just by feel!  That might be a fun thing to try at home, too!

The other BIG event was that we earned a class party this week by "blasting off" all the way from Pluto to the Sun.  The class earns a blast-off by doing awesome stuff like working really hard on reading centers, or walking in a great line to lunch.  

We had a cookie pizza and bouncy house in our room!

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