Thursday, September 13, 2018


We were outside as MUCH as possible this week, enjoying the last bit of warm fall weather!  First of all, we started the week with an absolutely gorgeous day at Moon Lake.  THANK YOU so much to all of the parents/brothers/sisters who came with us! And thank you to Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge for providing the canoes! We went canoeing, made boats, went on a walk to look for berries and fall leaves, got to watch a float plane land and take off a couple of times, collected aquatic insects, and had a picnic, complete with a bonfire and s'mores, and plenty of just chill time playing on the beach and in the sand!  We could not have asked for a better day, and we all decided school should be like that all the time!

Then on Tuesday, we went outside by the school track and picked cranberries... we were on a mission.  We needed cranberries to make cranberry muffins for our Book Buddies, as you will see later!

Back in the classroom, we had a great time reading a recipe and stirring, mixing, measuring and making a wonderfully yummy mess! 

We invited our 4th Grade Book Buddies to a muffin party on Wednesday!  We read, If You Give a Moose a Muffin and had fun writing a collaborative story called, If You Give a Tok Student a Muffin...  It is still a work in progress, and I will share the published e-version soon!  We also got a chance to read books in the library with our buddies.  We will be getting together once a month all year!  

We earned a Popcorn Party this week by learning 10 popcorn words!  Every time we learn 10 more words in class on our word wall, we will have a party!  (Kids can go at their own pace with the words that come home, as fast or as slow as they need to, but we will continue to learn several a week in class as well...)

In math we continue to fill in our hundreds chart and look for patterns.  We also are learning about even and odd numbers, equal, and greater than/less than.  Here the kids are learning symmetry and even and odd by using pennies to make symmetrical dots on their ladybugs.  

We did a journal write this week based on Shel Silverstein's book, The Giving Tree, one of my all time favorites!  Here is our "word tree" from our brainstorming session.  These are some of the things the kids would like to give if they had a "Giving Tree!"  

Here are a couple of pictures of our daily routine!  Writing on the Morning Message board, having Morning Meeting, eating lunch, and playing at recess!

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