Friday, April 6, 2018

April Fools!

This is the look you get when you promise kindergarteners brownies, and instead they get brown E's.  Not happy.  

Luckily we had some REAL brownies to revive their enthusiasm for April Fool's Day!  Then it was time to fool others!  We had several fake injuries.  This is Charlize trying not to smile about Trapper "bleeding" profusely from a bad cut on his arm.  He gave the Principal (Dad) a whole half a second to freak out before yelling, "APRIL FOOLS!"

The kids were so proud of ALL of the Popcorn Words they have learned this year.  They read them all in 1 minute 25 seconds!  We had a Popcorn Party to celebrate!

In science we are continuing to answer the kids' questions about the weather.  We learned that different cloud types can help us predict the weather!  We made models of clouds using shaving cream and glue.  Who doesn't love to get their hands in a little shaving cream?!  Then we made charts telling which kinds of clouds predict which kinds of weather.  The coolest part was hearing the kids say, "Look!  Cirrus clouds!  It's going to be a nice day!" the next time we were out for recess!

We also created some art to go with our handwriting practice... "April showers brings May flowers!"  

In math lately we have been supplementing the regular curriculum with extra practice in measuring and comparing with nonstandard units.  Here the kids are working collaboratively to measure snakes!  We have also been working hard on learning to tell time.  So take the opportunity to point out digital and analog clocks with your kinder and practice telling time to the hour and half hour!

This week we began a cross-curricular mini-unit on Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We will read, write, do drama, and even do some some chair engineering projects around this fairy tale!  Here the kids are putting on mini plays dramatizing the story!

We adopted several new pets in our classroom on Friday!  We got some ladybug larvae and Painted Lady caterpillars and will observe how they change to study lifecycles over the next few weeks.  Cycles are a recurring theme of the year.  One talking point you might have with your child is, "Tell me about some of the cycles you have learned about this year."  

The kids all enjoyed getting their very own caterpillar.  They named them and observed them, worried about them, wondered about them, and wrote about them!

Friday we had a Book Buddies sledding party at Airport hill, complete with a bonfire and hot cocoa.  Thank you to Chris and Lucas Erickson and Scott and Tanner Holmes for helping chaperone.  Everyone had a great time and enjoyed one of the last days of sledding before all the snow is gone!  Our Book Buddies are the best.  They have just really taken the kinders under their wings, and shown such kindness to them whenever they see each other around the school.  They not only model the fun of being able to read, but have become true friends to their kindergarten buddies.  Thank you Mrs. Dunning and the awesome 5th Grade!

Who needs a sled???

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