Thursday, September 14, 2017

Moon Lake Field Trip!

We had the most beautiful fall field trip to Moon Lake this week!  We went with the first and second grades and did a station rotation, learning about the water cycle, aquatic insects, and canoeing!  Here is Ms. Bonnie teaching the kids the water cycle.

Brandy Baker with Alaska Fish and Game out of Delta came down to help the kids collect aquatic insects and identify them!

Time for a picnic lunch!

The kids all went canoeing at the end of the day.  Some were nervous and had their first canoeing experience ever, but every single one of the kids went out on the water and did such a great job paddling!  It was such a gorgeous day to be out on the lake!  Thank you to Patricia Young and Chris and Michele Erickson for helping out, and to Tetlin Wildlife Refuge for providing the canoes!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ms. Deb! I'm so glad I checked out the blog with my laptop, I didn't realize that there were links to computer games on the side! You don't see those with on your phone! :)

    Great Pictures of Moon Lake! It was a great day!
