Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Presidential Week

We spent some time this week getting to know George and Abe for Presidents' Day.  We are reading a  fascinating chapter book about Abe Lincoln.  Watching the amazement and shock on the kids' faces as they learned about the institution of slavery was so interesting.  Kids just intuitively know that it is wrong to discriminate against other people, and their sense of right and wrong is so innocent and beautiful.  Don't they look presidential?!!!

Here are the kids at one of our daily reading centers, creating letters and words with design blocks.  


"mom" with a flower!

I am so proud of the progress the kids are making in writing.  We have had a lot of fun with our Goldilocks unit!  First we read the story and then the kids did a fabulous job acting it out.  Such natural drama queens and kings we have in our class!  Then we began to learn about our "writer's voice."  We combined this with letter writing to reinforce the new letter writing skills we learned in the last unit, and wrote letters to Goldilocks from one of the three bears.  What would YOU say if Goldilocks broke into YOUR house?  The kids each chose a bear, and wrote a letter to Goldilocks as if they were that bear.  There were so many creative letters!  Then we "published" our writing by creating a bear holding the letter.  The kids did such a great job, and once again, everyone enjoyed putting their own unique touch on their creations!

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