Already this year we have had some fun visitors in our classroom. And these kind don't even have to wear a mask!
Oreo, who was elected class president last year, comes in to visit occasionally, and loves to be read to.
Already this year we have had some fun visitors in our classroom. And these kind don't even have to wear a mask!
Oreo, who was elected class president last year, comes in to visit occasionally, and loves to be read to.
Traditions are so important in establishing our school culture. In Kindergarten we have many traditions and routines that the kids get to know and reminisce about for years to come! Here are just a few!
We learn right away about how to stay healthy and avoid sharing germs. We had so much fun "sneezing" on each other with a spray bottle, and then practicing using our elbow or a tissue to block the sneeze. Then we made sneezy pictures to help us remember! We also talked about how germs are too small to see, and got out the microscope to see other things that are too small to see! We will do our unit on our amazing bodies in October, culminating with a visit from our school skeleton, who likes to dress up for Halloween!!!
We spent three days last week out at Moon Lake ALL DAY learning, playing, getting messy, and having fun! The kids started their day with group games and songs on the beach. (Ask them about Hermie the Worm 😆).
Then they rotated to each teacher for a mini class on things like fire, the water cycle, aquatic insects, art, canoeing, plant life cycles, water safety, and boat engineering!
We had a bonfire and s'mores on the last day to celebrate our awesome week. One big bonus was that the kids got to know all of the elementary teachers, students in other grades, and Principal Larrabee and Assistant Principal Lovelace who joined us for part of the week. It was AWESOME and we can't wait to do it again next year!!!
Huge thanks to Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge, Trooper Landers, and the staff and admin of Tok School, as well as the many parent volunteers who came out!