Saturday, October 26, 2019

Happy Owl-oween!

We had so much fun making these cute little guys.... we used celery to stamp the feathers, and practiced shapes, following directions, and cutting skills to make our owls.  We have been learning about all kinds of cool and creepy creatures this month, like owls, bats, spiders, and other nocturnal animals!

Do humans count as cool and creepy creatures?  We are studying Mr. Bones, and all of our body systems, such as the digestive system, muscular system, skeletal system, and here, the circulatory system!  We'll learn about the nervous system and our amazing brains this week... and then top it all off with a capstone field trip to the clinic the day before Halloween.  Chaperones are welcome to attend with us, the morning of Oct. 30.  Let me know if you'd like to come along!

We learned what a REAL heart looks like, and drew and labeled one to put in our journals!

After learning about how the heart works, the kids built one of their own...

... and then pumped "blood" through it to simulate how a real heart works!

We have been working hard on a Halloween literacy project!  (I told you, I LOVE Halloween with Kinders!) We had SO much fun making our online e-book, Halloween ABC's!  Be sure to push the sound icons on each page to hear the book read by the authors!!!  

And last, but not least, we were invited to watch a Halloween play put on by Ms. Bonnie's drama class!  It was such a treat!  They did an awesome job, and we got to practice being a good audience!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sledding season has arrived!

Sledding season is here!!!  The kids have had a blast sledding down the hill at recess and playing in the snow!

Our skeleton has been dressing up for Halloween!  

We had fun making Halloween cookies out of play doh!

We had a visitor one day... Leo the cat.  He is a great listener, and the kids had fun taking turns reading to him!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Halloween Crazy...already?!

OK.  I admit it.  I go a little Halloween crazy.  It's just too fun not to with Kinders around!  

What a perfect time of year to study the body.  This week was BONES!  Enter: Mr. Bones, our resident skeleton.  Then we made our own little skeletons!  It is priceless to see kids discover what they look like inside.

The kids earned a party, so we had a Spookley the Square Pumpkin party, and made square pumpkin faces for treats!

We also worked on shape pumpkins to practice our shapes, and then described them in writing to practice adjectives!  Did you know "unicorny" was an adjective?  It is now!

We had our first Book Buddies get-together this week.  They will be monthly from now on.  Of course... the theme was Halloween!  We read a Halloween story, then went to the library where the kinders got to pick out books for their Buddies to read to them.  Afterwards we went back into our classroom where the Big Buddies helped the Little Buddies make Pumpkin word family slider games!  

And then, of course, what is more fun than making an edible spider?!  We love our Book Buddies already!  I see the kids saying hi in the halls and playing together on the playground... I am so thankful for Big Buddies who take time to be a friend to a little Kinder. 💕

Last week on our greenhouse tour Ms. Bonnie Emery mentioned she had some cilantro and tomatoes that needed to be picked.  Enter: SALSA!  We gladly returned Monday morning with buckets in hand to harvest our ingredients!  

Then on Tuesday Michele Oldaker and Cody Omta volunteered to come in and help make salsa with the kids.  We had the cilantro team, the onion and pepper team, and the tomato team... the onion team was in tears :( .   And then we all got together for some great team work and made honestly the best salsa I think I've ever had.  It had to have been the one-day old tomatoes fresh from the greenhouse! 

Thank you Ms. Bonnie!!!

Here is our secret recipe... but I cannot guarantee results without the greenhouse tomatoes and some kindergarten love mixed in!  (Oh yeah, and you gotta triple the garlic!)