We started our chukar partridge eggs this week. They should hatch around May 12th... Mother's Day!
We are learning about the development of an embryo into a chick... Here the kids are putting the stages in order.
We studied the lifecycle of a butterfly, and kept science journals. Thursday we were rewarded with one butterfly, and by Friday almost all of them had hatched!
We did butterfly art as well, based on the style of Eric Carle, the author of The Hungry Caterpillar.
First we painted paper with abstract colors and patters, and then we cut and glued our butterflies together.
Monday was Earth Day! We celebrated by learning about clean sources of energy and making Earth books. Then on Wednesday, we helped with the school trash pick up. The kids were so excited, you would have thought it was an Easter egg hunt. There was a contest for who could find the coolest piece of trash, so they all wanted pictures with their "cool" trash! They did find some interesting things!
We also went outside for writing and used our senses to find and write about signs of Spring!
We found a crocus blooming, and so we took it inside to dissect it. We are learning about the parts of plants and flowers. We used magnifying glasses and a microscope to look at the different parts. One of my favorite teaching moments is when a child looks through a microscope for the first time. 💗
We saw cells in the petals and pollen grains, as well as a close up view of the hairs on the stem and sepals.
We haven't had many April Showers this month... in fact our weather graph is about as sunny as we've had all year! But we did these cute April Showers bring May Flowers crafts anyway, since we are learning about weather and flowers!
Happy Spring!!!🌞⛈🌈🐛🐣