We are having fun watching our ducks grow! Here a duck is going in for its daily weigh in!
We finished up our electricity and magnetism unit. Here the kids are acting out how thunder is made! Wyatt is the orange lightning and the "air" is rushing away (all the other kids) to make the noise.
To get ready for graduation we did our LAST writing assignment... "All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten." Our graduation ceremony is Tuesday, May 22 at 6pm in the Multi Purpose Room at Tok School!
In science we are revisiting our space unit by doing a STEM project designing rockets. We will do test launches this week and the go back and redesign, following the engineer's design cycle.
Friday was our BIO Blitz at Moon Lake! It was a beautiful day, and we had such a great time. Thank you SO much to our faithful chaperones. Couldn't have done it without you! Also thanks to biologist Nate Berg and Tetlin National Wildlife for providing bird and plant ID expertise and canoes! Here are all of the living things we found!
We learned about ecosystem food webs and made our own food chains...
had a picnic and s'mores....
and spent some time doing landscape paintings!
Most of all, the kids had a blast playing in the water, catching aquatic insects, hiking, and going for canoe rides!

Our ducks got to come on the field trip too!